Looking for Help Navigating Anxiety?
My online courses can help
Anxiety Myths Navigator
Anxiety Myths Navigator is a 13 section interactive course designed to show you how to:
  • Uncover the key myths that escalate rather than help anxiety
  • Recognize the most destructive anxiety myths that can keep you stuck
  • Take control of negative thinking about anxiety that could be holding you back
  • Change your mindset so you can start rethinking anxiety
  • Discover how to tap anxiety's wisdom so you can better harness its positive purpose in your life.
"I am enrolled in your anxiety course and am thoroughly enjoying it, as it is very, very informative, well presented, and I am already feeling a bit of a difference in my anxiety."
Panic Attack Power Tool
The Panic Attack Power Tool is a 3 module easy to follow online training that shows you how to:
  • Eliminate your fear of acute anxiety
  • Take control of acute anxiety so you can stop panic in its tracks
  • Uncover the thoughts escalating your anxiety and what to do to change them
  • Stop worrying when the next time an anxiety attack will take over and derail you, and start feeling like yourself again
  • Gain confidence in your ability to handle anxiety no matter when and how it strikes
Beginner to Intermediate
"As I am progressing in the course, I feel confident it will make a significant difference in my anxiety. It already has. Thank you Dr. Clark."
Breaking Free From Obsessions Solution
Breaking Free from Obsessions Solution is an 8 step interactive online training that shows you how to:
  • Stop the never ending worries and obsessive thoughts that take over and keep you trapped in your anxiety
  • Take control of your mind, even when you know your anxiety is out of proportion and overblown.
  • Stop wasting time worrying incessantly about things you have no control over
  • Get a better night's sleep so you can feel happier, calmer, and more confident in your overall life
  • Eliminate the parade of doubts and gain the confidence you crave.
Beginner to Intermediate
"I would recommend your course to anyone I know who suffers from anxiety - which seem to be quite a few right now as we face these challenging times."
Hack Your Anxiety Accelerator
Building on the Toolkit from my bestselling book, Hack Your Anxiety, the Hack Your Anxiety Accelerator is a 6 module fast-track online interactive training. Using downloadable exercises and targeted explanations of the most important science, this course will furnish you with the tools you need, step by step, to start taking control of anxiety right now.

Designed to be worked through at your own pace, this online course shows you how to:
  • Identify anxiety and effectively tune in to what it's trying to tell you
  • Understand the key science you need to begin a new relationship with anxiety, and how to start changing your approach to anxiety right now
  • Implement small micro-choices that will help improve your mindset, and your relationship with anxiety all together
  • Turn the tables on anxiety when it threatens to take control, so you can stop doubting yourself, and feel confident knowing you can handle your anxiety, and even your feelings
  • Take control of panic and acute anxiety so you never have to feel like anxiety is happening to you, or there's nothing you can do to stop it
Beginner to Intermediate
"I've started working with the online Hack Your Anxiety videos and materials and have found them very helpful so far. I feel eager (not anxious) to keep at it. See? I'm learning already. Thank you."
Feel confident knowing you're protected by my 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
I am so fully committed to helping you take control of your anxiety that I am offering a 30-day money back guarantee. If you invest in any of my programs and do the work and aren't seeing the results you want, just email me and I will give you your money back. I believe deeply that these programs will help you regain control of your anxiety, so you can get on with living your best life. 
"I am so glad I invested in your program. I am feeling more confident every day!"
Curious How Anxiety is Impacting Your Life...? 
Discover (for FREE) in as little as a few minutes the effect anxiety is having on your life. 
© 2021 Alicia H. Clark PsyD. All Rights Reserved.