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Your Access Includes:
  • The Panic Attack Power Tool

    With this concise but comprehensive compilation of top panic hacks my clients have used successfully over the last 20 years, you'll discover how to take control of panic for good, so you can stop worrying when the next time anxiety will take over, and get on with your life.  

  • BONUS: Panic Attack Flow Chart
    Uncover the overall mechanics of acute anxiety - what keeps it flaring and what quiets it down - so you can develop the understanding you need to stop panic next time it strikes.

  • BONUS: How to Help Someone Having a Panic Attack 
    Key strategies to help diminish acute anxiety and help a loved one regain control.

  • BONUS: Mindfulness App Resource Guide
    My go-to digital resources for cultivating mindfulness, self awareness, and calm.


  • BONUS: Self Compassion Solution
    Why self-compassion and gentleness matter, along with specific exercises to help foster more in your life.
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